CoreValue Business Valuation

Staci Miller | 304.293.6831 |

Industrial extension has partnered with CoreValue Software to help you understand the true worth of your business.

Do you really know what your business is worth? Are you thinking about selling or transferring your business? What should you do to prepare for selling your business? How can you be sure you will get what your business is worth in a sale or transfer?

Surprisingly 70 percent of business owners are minimally, if at all, prepared to sell or transfer their business. What is worse is that 95 percent of mergers and acquisitions professionals believe an owner’s unrealistic expectation of their company’s value and operational, or market issues, are the single biggest obstacles to the sale or transfer of the business.

To overcome these obstacles, consider your business an engine and take a look under the hood. The value of your engine depends on its ability to dependably generate revenue and profit well into the future.

CoreValue was developed and vetted among leading academic and industry specialists, with 10-plus years of market testing. Based on a framework of 18 value drivers, specially designed algorithms will measure the gears of your business engine. The end result is a true assessment of your business that allows you to review all options and opportunities.


Recurring Revenue

Your Brand

Company Overview


Human Resources

Large Potential Market

Barriers to Entry

Margin Advantage

Financial Status

Customer Satisfaction

Legal Concerns

Dominant Marketing Share

Product Differentiation

Customer Diversification

Sales and Marketing

Senior Management
